If Black Lives Matter Why do Blacks Treat Themselves and Each Other so Badly?

I think the article below is devastating to the Black Lives Matter movement.  I would be extremely ashamed if I was one of them.  The fact that they are not embarrassed implies stupidity.

On its face the phrase that black lives matter is blatantly racist.  When blacks persist in repeating it, they call their intelligence into question.  All they are doing is perpetuating the myth that blacks as a racial group are less intelligent than other humans.  Don’t these idiots realize that?

The behavior of many blacks (rioting in Ferguson and Baltimore, for example) is creating most of the racism in America today.  Too many people (including me) are disgusted and fed up with their behavior which can be likened to the tantrums of a spoiled and frustrated child.  Again, it calls their intelligence into question.  What they want are special rights and privileges, not equal rights.  And, they want these “given” to them (their “demand” for reparations, for example).  But, the Civil War ended six generations ago.  The fact that their distant ancestors were slaves is a dead issue, and they need to get over it.  They do not seem to understand that respect must be “earned”.

Compare their behavior to the Japanese-Americans who were put into internment/concentration camps in WWII.  They lost everything they couldn’t carry on their backs.  Yet, one generation later they were financially back where they were before the war.  They accomplished this through very hard work, not through complaints and emotional tantrums.  And when you look at the heroism of the 442nd and the 100th Battalion, that is something to be genuinely proud of.  They earned their respect with their spilled blood, and far too many with their own lives.

The article explains that the BLM movement arises out of frustration and a deep belief that black lives do not matter–indicating a lack of self-esteem which can only be acquired through achievement.  The only people who can fix the problem are the blacks themselves.  Japanese-Americans earned respect because of their behavior during and after WWII.  They earned it through their achievement.  Actions speak louder than words.  Blacks need to understand this and clean up their own act.

A friend commented:

The article that follows the video makes a good point. I’ve heard Republican candidate for Pres., Ben Carson, speak about this as he’s a Black who came from similar background but made something of himself.  I wish Obama would speak the same to the Black population.



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