Universal Background Checks Are Disingenuous

The Obama administration and the gun grabbers are currently pushing very hard for universal background checks.  They are exploiting the Newtown, Conn, tragedy in an attempt to enact extreme legislation which will punish innocent gun owners but not reduce crime.  Even some of the proponents admit that these new gun control laws would not have prevented the tragedy in Newtown and will not reduce crime. (see links at bottom)

What’s wrong with this picture?  The cry to “save the children” is being used as an emotional but dishonest plea.  How can I say this?  Look at the evidence.

National Instant Background Check System (NICS)

Blind Identification Database System (BIDS)

The current background check system is NICS.  It is expensive, unwieldy, and can be turned off at any time by bureaucratic whim, thus putting all gun purchases on hold until turned back on.  Once a gun purchaser is cleared, all background records are required by law to be destroyed.  But, they are not being destroyed.  The Feds are secretly keeping them as an illegal gun registration.

The proposed Universal Background Check law would be NICS on steroids and cannot work without universal gun registration.

So what?  Why is this bad?  Because historically, registration has led to confiscation.  Then, in regimes like Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, and the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia among others, millions of disarmed innocents were killed by their own governments.  THIS is why so many gun owners and the NRA are vehemently opposed to registration.  A disarmed populace can only protest, but their armed government can use force to end the protests at any time as history has shown.  And, the media will not say a word about it, or else!  What is tyranny?  Do you really trust your government?

An alternative to NICS or Universal Background Checks is BIDS.  It is a blind system performed by the gun dealer, and it eliminates the threat of gun registration.  All gun dealers would keep a list of felons and prohibited persons, and all gun purchasers would simply be checked against this list.  It is a much simpler and more economical system than NICS, but it has not been considered.  Why?

Because it’s not about gun control.  It’s about people control.  If the gun grabbers were honest, they would not have a problem with BIDS.  But they are not honest.  They want registration.  Their ultimate goal is to outlaw all guns and disarm the public since this is a necessary step in instituting government tyranny!  Our Founding Fathers in their wisdom gave us the 2nd Amendment for the stated purpose of preventing tyranny in government.  I hope you can now understand the real reason why the 2nd Amendment is under attack!

Our government is incrementally making gun ownership more expensive and burdensome through regulations, taxation, and licensing.  Then, when the number of gun owners are drastically reduced, gun registration lists will tell them where to remove the few that remain in civilian hands.  They know that the outright confiscation of guns now would trigger a 2nd American Revolution, so they are chipping away at our gun rights incrementally.  All their talk about reducing gun violence and protecting our children is a fraud.  The gun grabbers are liars and aspiring dictators, plain and simple.

Criminals will always have guns.  Laws cannot disarm them.  Laws can only disarm law-abiding citizens because they obey the law.  If guns are outlawed, the value of guns increase, and a lucrative black market will spring up to supply the illegal goods that are in high demand.  That is exactly what has happened with hard drugs, and supply is so readily available that any school kid can buy them on the street, daily!  What makes you think that the situation would be any different with guns?  The bad guys will always have guns, and the good guys will not!

Gun rights advocate Randy Herrst warns: “Gun control increases violent crime, by shifting the balance of power to favor violent criminals while it disarms helpless victims.”  Evil does exist in the world, and free individuals cannot be prevented from defending themselves against criminal attack–if they are truly free.  When assaulted, John Lott concludes that your best chance of avoiding serious injury is to resist with a gun.  (More Guns, Less Crime, 3rd edition)

Firearms instructor Kent Turnipseed states: “Only you can protect you.”  The police cannot protect you 24//7.  Violent crime generally happens in a few minutes, or seconds.  The police cannot be everywhere to prevent crimes from happening. They can only show up after-the-fact to take a report.  The bottom line is that you are on your own.  Only you can protect you.

The phrase “reasonable gun control laws” may sound reasonable to the uninformed.  The gun grabbers are masters at language manipulation, but I am not fooled because I read the first edition of More Guns, Less Crime.  This is the most comprehensive study of the effects of gun control laws ever conducted.  Its data base is FBI crime statistics (FBI UCR) for all US counties for 16 years.  The 3rd edition of the book increases this to 29 years.  The results of Lott’s study is peer reviewed and is readily available to any politician who is interested in honest research.  Read the book yourself, and you will discover that “reasonable gun control laws” fly in the face of informed common sense.

Our country has come to a crossroad.  Will it be a free and sovereign nation with objective laws based on rights, or a socialist-statist nation of worker bee slaves burdened with duties to their hive, but with no rights?  That is the stark choice facing our nation today, but too many entitlement mentality voters do not realize this.  They are focused on the “free stuff” that they believe Obama will give to them.

Our country is a Republic, not a democracy where the rights of the minority can be voted away by the majority.  The rights of the minority are protected in a Republic.  Our right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and it cannot be voted away by any majority, real or imagined.  But, our rights are only as secure as our resolve to fight for them.  We the People must be ready, willing, and able to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  That is the noble tradition of the American Revolution.

Now is a time for soul searching, if you have not already done it.  What is the meaning of life?  (The answer is: values.)  What makes life worth living?  What makes your life worth living?  Are you a productive individual capable of making your own decisions and supporting your own life, and thus deserving of freedom?  Are you an independent adult or an immature child?  Are you a sovereign being or a submissive slave?  Are you a citizen, or a subject?

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”  (Patrick Henry)

From the Declaration of Independence: “–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it….”

Was Thomas Jefferson right?  “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”  “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

CO Sheriff Calls Out Obama After Political Grandstanding In Denver


Support the courageous individual sheriffs and State Sheriff’s Associations who are openly defying Obama by refusing to enforce unconstitutional gun laws:


For more elaboration on the BIDS vs NICS systems:


Gun control laws do NOT reduce crime:

http://people.duke.edu/~gnsmith/articles/myths.htm (See Myth #10)



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