Foreign vote-count firm expands U.S. reach

BS is BS.  I don’t care what they say about their wonderful electronic vote counting technology.  An honest vote count and guaranteeing the absence of voter fraud is far more important, and it is essential if “we the people” want to remain semi-free (we are no longer free).  Voter fraud turns any election into a sham.  Such an election is merely a pretense of credibility for dictators.

Paper ballots and bipartisan observers may be low tech, but the original data exists for a recount when necessary.  With many electronic voting machines, the data is gone when the total is sent in.  The vote count cannot be verified.  Hackers can also manipulate computers.  Do you trust computers, and the people operating them, to give you an honest vote count?

In the Battle of Athens American citizens used the Second Amendment to forcefully thwart a blatant attempt at rigging the vote count.  This is exactly its purpose.  The Second Amendment is our insurance policy against tyranny in government.  But, it only works when “we the people” have the courage and resolve to back it up with “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” just as our Founding Fathers did.  Some our Founders lost their lives.  Most lost their fortunes.  None lost their sacred honor.  Are we today so noble?  Are we worthy of the courage of our Founders?

It is decision time.  Are you willing to act to defend what is left of your sovereignty and freedom, or will you stand by and let the bastards manipulate the vote count?  Will you all be obedient and compliant sheeple led to the slaughter house of statist tyranny?  If you are not willing to fight for your freedom, then you do not deserve to have it.  The Second Amendment means nothing unless it is backed by a resolve by “we the people” to act when necessary.  The current administration seems to believe that they can do anything they want with impunity.  Can they?

In the 2012 election voter turnout in Florida’s 18th Congressional District was 141%.  When the number of votes cast is significantly more than the number of registered voters, isn’t voter fraud obvious?  Yet, Allen West’s defeat was swept under the rug.  How can they get away with this???

In some Pennsylvania counties, Obama got 99% to 100% of the vote.  Even the late dictator of Venezuela Hugo Chavez couldn’t match that!  Yet, Obama got away with it.  Yes, the Republicans in Washington DC are pussies.  But, so are the rest of us who let them get away with it.  Timing is everything.  We must speak up before-the-fact, or at least during-the-fact.  After-the-fact is too late, for the Statists are very good at sweeping scandals under the rug.  We must insist that our voices be heard.  The Second Amendment gives us the right and the ability to be heard.  Are you worthy?

Foreign firm touts ability to conveniently ‘manage’ electoral roll on Election Day

Remember the Battle of Athens?

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