Fast and Furious? What’s That?

As they say, “Deny, deny, deny….”  The Obama Administration has no shame.  They deny and ignore way past the point of embarrassment and illegality, but they have gotten away with it so far.  This is the same way that Obama has gotten away with flaunting the US Constitution for the past 5 years, with the news media’s complicity of course.  It’s Chicago style politics and Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals in action.  The “Fast and Furious” scandal is fading away in the public’s awareness.  Can We the People allow it to die?

What will become of the Benghazi, IRS, and AP scandals?

Are we doomed to live under intimidation, fear, and tyranny?

Obama gun-runners ‘got away with it’.

Critics say intimidation keeps shops, others, from complaining about lack of progress

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