Assimilation Is the Hallmark of Good Immigrants

What is the major difference between immigrants to America in the past and too many immigrants today?  Immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries had a strong desire to assimilate into American culture.  They were escaping from a bad situation and were looking for a new life of opportunity.  America was the land of opportunity because it was the land of the free.  An individual could work hard and keep what he earned.  His property rights were respected by the people and, more importantly, by his new government.  America was the first country in history that was founded on the principle of individual rights.  That is why it is the only moral nation in history.

Too many “immigrants” today have no desire to assimilate.  The obvious question is: “Why not?”  Why did they leave their country and come here if they do not wish to adopt and embrace their new culture of freedom?  Many Mexican illegal’s only wish to come here to earn money to send home to Mexico.  They apparently never ask why America is rich and Mexico is poor despite her abundance of natural resources.  Many Muslim immigrants still wish to live under Sharia law.  Why then did they come to America?  The American tradition of rights is incompatible with the religious theocracy of Sharia law.  One results in freedom, the other in religious tyranny.  The opportunities available in America are a result of her freedoms.  If Muslims do not wish to embrace the concept of individual rights, then they should go back to the misery from which they came.  Sharia law is absolutely not acceptable here!

America is a nation of immigrants who left their old country’s politics behind and embraced a new culture of rights and freedoms.  A nation’s prosperity is proportional to its freedom because a free man’s potential is virtually unlimited.  He is free to achieve as far as his ability will take him.  This is the source of American exceptionalism.  Obama is dead wrong.  His goal is to destroy a free America and transform it into a Socialist America.  He is succeeding because Americans are ignorant, even if their ignorance is somewhat understandable given their indoctrination by government (public) schools.  Americans do not understand the true nature of Socialism and of its foundation: Collectivism.

The simplest way to understand the essence of collectivism is to look at a honey bee hive.  The citizen in any pure form of collectivism is a worker bee and has no rights.  He has only a moral duty to work and sacrifice his life for his hive, for his collective, whether that group is his village, community, country, or race.  The personal happiness of a citizen in a collective is irrelevant; his life is expendable.  All that matters is that he contributes to the survival and to the “common good” of his hive.  His individual life is relevant only to the extent of his sacrifice.  His moral worth is judged by how much he sacrifices.  Altruism is the ethics of sacrifice.

The ethics of rational self-interest is the philosophical opposite of altruism.  It logically leads to the concept of individual rights which in turn results in a politics of individualism.  United States was founded on a politics of individualism.  This was the brilliant innovation of our founding fathers.  For the first time in history it was recognized that the citizens of a nation were endowed with the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The government was created to secure theses rights and derived it’s just powers from the consent of the governed.  This implied that each individual citizen was sovereign, that his life belonged to him and was important, and that his moral purpose was to achieve his personal happiness on earth.

Rational or philosophic self-interest is quite different from what people usually presume which is the irrational version of selfishness.  This misunderstanding is the fundamental reason we are losing our rights and freedoms.  Irrational self-interest does not work.  Rational selfishness is good, but that is another topic.  I will only say here that rights are a selfish concept.  You have a right to your life, to your liberty, and to the pursuit of your happiness.  That is good!

It is truly tragic that Americans are losing their freedoms primarily because of ignorance.  They need to be able to explain why their culture is better than the ways of the “old country” of the immigrants.  Political correctness believes that all cultures are equal.  That is demonstrably wrong!  America achieved the most and became the richest country because she has a superior culture based on individual rights.  Rights respected by a government results in freedom.  Our current economic recession is a result of our losing too many of our freedoms.  I repeat: A nation’s prosperity is proportional to its freedom.

All dictatorships are poor.  That is why many immigrants to America left their home country in the first place!  The most prosperous countries are semi-free (there are no free countries).  Semi-free countries trade with their neighbors.  Dictatorships want to conquer them.  Semi-free countries are the good guys.  Dictatorships are the bad guys because they violate the rights of their citizens.  Beauty contestants who say they want world peace have no idea how to actually achieve it, but it is achievable.  All we need to do is spread genuine freedom!

Big government results in less freedom.  We need to drastically reduce the size and authority of our government, both Federal and State.  Only by reducing government can we reduce government spending.  America can be more prosperous than ever before.

A private business is private property.  Tell the government “hands off!”  It is literally none of their business.  A free market will “regulate” businesses far better than any government ever could, or should.  Citizens should own what they earn.  This is what property rights are all about.  A man who does not own what he produces is a slave.  Government redistribution of the wealth is a violation of property rights!  Robbing Peter to pay (give “entitlements” to) Paul is a violation of property rights.  That is why it is immoral.  Robbery is wrong whether it is committed by criminals or by your government.  That is why a free America cannot allow redistribution which is inherent in Socialism and in all forms of Collectivism.  We are human beings.  We are not honey bees!

These are the lessons that we need to teach to our immigrants.  They can build a new and truly prosperous life for themselves, but only if we can reverse our country’s present course.  We need to change our direction away from a police state and towards freedom.  The source of our current ills is the fact that we have lost too many of our freedoms.  But, Americans cannot teach these important facts to our immigrants until they learn them themselves!

A free country cannot endure without an informed and educated populace.  Only private schools, not government (public) schools, can achieve this.  We need education, not indoctrination.  We must reduce the size and power of our government.  How?  Support your local Tea Party and demand that your politicians follow the US Constitution.  Either that or lose the rest of your freedoms.  Choose while you’re still free to choose.  That is the bottom line.

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