Greenfield: It’s Time to Call Out Black Racism

The statement, “I’m black, therefore I can’t be racist” is obviously wrong.  It is overtly racist!  The statement that “Black Lives Matter” implies that only black lives matter.  Yet, saying that “All lives matter” will brand you as a racist.  That is ridiculous because the opposite is true.  This is just one of the many inversions of political correctness.  Good is bad; bad is good. These kinds of inversions are destroying America.

Too many of us are reluctant to call out black racism because we are afraid of being accused of being a racist.  This needs to stop.  We need to be able to say it like it is.  Black racists certainly do not deserve a pass from us.  They have completely “worn out their welcome!”

This “affirmative action” approach actually hurts blacks.  How?  If blacks promote obviously stupid slogans, this is evidence that blacks are stupid.  However, Blacks and politically correct Progressive/Leftist/liberals are overly sensitive to the suggestion that blacks as a racial group are less intelligent than the average human.  This is the reason that odds maker Jimmy the Greek was drummed out of Las Vegas.  He simply said that blacks are physically superior to whites.  Liberal critics screamed in protest saying that his statement “implied” that blacks were less intelligent.  Hyper-sensitive?  Hell yes!

Was Jimmy the Greek correct?  Of course he was!  Think about it.  Slaves were considered possessions and treated like livestock.  What does any farmer or rancher do with his livestock over a period of time?  He increases their value by breeding superior specimens.  This makes him wealthier.  A physically superior specimen could produce more in the fields and brought a higher price when sold.

Beginning with the selection process, blacks (yes, blacks) in Africa would raid other villages and select the best physical specimens for sale in the slave trade.  Why?  Because they brought a higher price than inferior specimens.  This is a no brainer.  This is also why Iceland is the land of beautiful women.  An ambitious young Viking who needed a wife for his new settlement in Iceland was not going to kidnap an ugly young girl when he raided the English and Irish coasts.  He was going to grab the prettiest one he saw, obviously, because she could not refuse.

If you start with a selected population and then breed them thereafter, the result will be superior physical specimens.  Jimmy the Greek was right!

Does this mean that black slaves will be less intelligent than a control population?  No!  Intelligence was not factored into their original selection process nor in their breeding.  Therefore, the normal bell curve applies to their intelligence.  But, if blacks today persist in perpetuating stupid slogans and opinions, people will observe this and conclude that blacks are not as smart as “normal” people.  Blacks are their own worst enemy!

Applying this same line of thought, black behavior has created most of what little real racism there is in America today.  People are fed up with their rioting and with their destructive, violent, and criminal behavior.   It all boils down to bad values and a bad attitude. They are “teaching” people to become racists.

As an employer, would you hire a black person if you knew he was potentially a problem employee?  Any attempt at discipline could result in a racial discrimination lawsuit against you.  Wouldn’t it be easier to not hire him in the first place?  Coming up with reasons why you hired the white guy over the black guy would be easier than dealing with an ongoing problem.  Simply asking him to do his job might trigger a discrimination lawsuit.  If an employer wanted to take the path of least resistance, he would hire the white guy.  Again, blacks are their own worst enemy.

Greenfield: It’s Time to Call Out Black Racism

If we remain silent, the racist left wins.

Question #1: Have blacks “earned” their less than fair treatment?  Question #2: How much has the biased liberal media influenced the (false?) perception that blacks are treated less fairly today?  How would you treat a mob of black rioters destroying your property?  They talk about their “rights” while violating yours.  Hypocrisy?  How long would it be before you lost patience with their irrational and unreasonable demands?

Poll: Americans Say Blacks Treated Less Fairly Today than in 2007

I maintain that President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society hurt blacks more than anything.  The rules said that a mother was not eligible for a welfare check if there was a male in the household.  That is what broke up the black family unit.  As the Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson reveals in the article below, this is the underlying cause of “black anger”.  Blaming the white man is much easier than stepping up and taking personal responsibility.  The Great Society was a product of Progressive/Liberal/Leftist/Statist ideology.  They avoid even the suggestion that their policies are at the root of “Black racism” in America.  It’s called “cutting their throats with cotton”.  The victim never realizes who the real enemy is.

The “antidote” is to replace the current black culture of poverty, ignorance, misery, and hate.  Blacks need a culture that values a work ethic, education, family, and achievement.  The latter is the only path to genuine self-esteem.


Jesse Lee Peterson uncovers the real story of Michael Brown

Sowell is excellent, as usual.

Sowell: The Cliche of America’s ‘Legacy of Slavery

“A good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years.”

True equality versus double standards is a real problem for the Left.  They don’t seem to recognize the difference.  One of the most visible problems with political correctness is its double standard in all things.

GREENFIELD: America’s Black Racist Hypocrisy

There will be no progress until black leaders stop making excuses and start disowning black racists.

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