Obama says: Get off of your “High Horse”

The founding of the United States of America was revolutionary because it was founded on a politics of individualism, not on collectivism.  For the first time in history it was recognized that the citizens of a nation were endowed with the inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The government was created to secure theses rights and derived it’s just powers from the consent of the governed.  This implied that each individual citizen was sovereign, that his life belonged to him and was important, and that his moral purpose was to achieve his personal happiness on earth.

Myopic minds criticize the United States because much of her initial economy was based on slavery.  That was normal for those times.  To have been vocally anti-slave in 1800 was to be an outspoken rebel.  Yet these myopic minds are conformists in political correctness.  They are followers of an established view in their times and are criticizing the same type of sin that they themselves are guilty of: They are conformists!  By what arrogance do they disparage people who owned slaves at a  time when slavery was normal?    If we survive as a free nation, these myopic minds will be considered unenlightened idiots a hundred years from now when political correctness will be known to be foolish and ignorant.

What these myopic minds fail to recognize is that the logic in the principles of America’s founding eventually led to the abolition of slavery.  America was founded on genuinely magnificent principles—the principles of individual rights.  When these rights are respected by government, the result is freedom.  A nation’s prosperity is proportional to its freedom.  That is the reason why America is not only prosperous, but great!  This is what the Socialist ideologue Obama does not understand.  He was raised by anti-American communists and Muslims.  He has never understood or accepted America’s greatness because he does not understand the value of freedom.  He knows only the politics of collectivism and has no appreciation for individualism.  That is why America is not special in his eyes.  That is why he wants to knock her off of her high horse and bring her down to the level of average nations whose citizens do not enjoy rights and freedoms.

Now you can understand why Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post points out: “Thursday’s speech is in keeping with Mr Obama’s penchant for challenging what he sees as the US public’s lack of self-reflection when it comes to their past sins and their place in the world.”

During that speech (Thursday, Feb 5, 2015) at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Barack Obama said, “Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ”….  Yes, in past centuries there were unspeakable deeds committed in the name of Christianity.  But, Christianity went through a Reformation in 16th Century Europe and is peaceful today.  The religion of Islam has not gone through an urgently needed “reformation”.  Unless it does, we cannot tolerate it in the modern world.  Now that the United States exists we have an appreciation for the concept of individual rights which is the opposite of the totalitarian nature of Sharia law.  Islam is 7th century barbarism.  It is not at all compatible with freedom.  We must either eliminate it our lose our freedoms.  Tyranny is tyranny regardless of what you call it.

Obama’s ‘high horse’: IS, the Crusades and moral equivalency


Limbaugh: Obama’s ‘High Horse’ Speech Is Dangerous

“The president is directly and indirectly promoting religious beliefs that are hostile to Western values.”


Obama’s stern message for ISIS: You’re really not that different from ‘high horse’ Christians


How can it be true that Islam is both peaceful and warlike?  The answer is that there are stages or different strategies in Islam based on where they are in their progress of imposing their dictatorial religion on all of us.  The following video explains:

Truth of Islam- Three Stages of Jihad – MUST WATCH!!!


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