UK’s Cameron Announces Plans to Fight ‘Poisonous Islamist Ideology’

It’s about time that a political leader had the courage to take a stand against Sharia law.  Islam is far more than just a religion.  Sharia commands all aspects of daily human life and is incompatible with individual rights.  If you wonder what a country ruled by Sharia looks like, then simply look at the religious tyrannies in the Middle East.  How would you like to live under such a government?  Religious totalitarianism is no joke.  You would have no rights and no freedoms.  Everything you are allowed to do is decreed by the Koran.  Do not ask for a reason why.  Religious dogma dictates everything.  The Koran is gospel and is not to be questioned.  Blasphemy is punishable by death.

Why any Western women would support Sharia is beyond me.  Don’t they understand what it is?  Under Sharia they would have no rights, would be the literal property of their husband in an arranged marriage, and all women must undergo female circumcision.   Having to wear a burka is just the tip of the religious totalitarian iceberg.  Islam means submission.  She would be required to submit 100% to the dictates of the Koran which allows for no individualism or individual expression by a woman.  She would literally be a slave.

Getting back to reality, there are fundamentally only two ways to deal with another human being: reason or force.  When anyone through their actions or words demonstrates that they have rejected reason, you have no choice but to deal with them in the only way that they themselves allow: with physical force.  You must understand and accept this “reason or force principle” or you will ultimately be helpless against anyone who uses force against you.  Violence is not always the answer, but when it is the answer, it is the only answer.  As a Roman general once said, “If you love peace, prepare for war”.

Radical Islamists have demonstrated that they have no problem with using physical force and brutal violence to achieve the goal of spreading their religion.  The Koran directs them to use the sword to conquer and subjugate people.  Thus, anyone who wishes to remain free must be willing and able to oppose them with force.  Violent savages do not listen to reason.   You must be willing to out-savage the savage.

You need to understand that the foundation of Islam is mysticism which is the opposite of reason.  Islam is fundamentally irrational.  Thus, if Islamist extremists use force against you, you have no choice but to use force against them.  Reason, persuasion, and negotiation will be utterly ineffective.  They follow religious dogma; they are not open to reason.  The bottom line is that if you are not willing and able to kill them, then you lose.

Attacks on Free Speech Come to the U.S.

Boko Haram Reveals True Muslim Meaning of Peace

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